Legislative Consent Motion - Northern Ireland Assembly Business step
There are 50 steps.
- 10 working days expired (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- 5 working days clock ends (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Call for evidence by the Committee for Health (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Committee for Health does not support the granting of consent (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Committee for Health does not take a position on the granting of consent (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Committee for Health supports the granting of consent (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Committee report clock ends (15 working days) (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Considered by the Committee for Health (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Debate on legislative consent motion (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion lapses at end of mandate (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not moved (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not selected by the Speaker (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion tabled (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Fatal amendment to legislative consent motion withdrawn (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent memorandum laid by a Member including a draft legislative consent motion (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion lapses at end of mandate (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion not agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion not moved (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion tabled (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Legislative consent motion withdrawn (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Memorandum laid by the Minister (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Motion to refer to a standing committee agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Motion to refer to a standing committee rejected (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Motion to refer to a standing committee tabled by the Business Committee (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion lapses at end of mandate (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not agreed to (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not moved (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion not selected by the Speaker (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion tabled (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Non-fatal amendment to legislative consent motion withdrawn (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Northern Ireland Minister does not intend to seek consent (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Northern Ireland Minister intends to seek consent (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Oral evidence session by the Committee for Health (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on a fatal amendment to legislative consent motion confirmed on confirmation day (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on a fatal amendment to legislative consent motion consideration clock ends (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on a nonfatal amendment to legislative consent motion confirmed on confirmation day (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on a nonfatal amendment to legislative consent motion consideration clock ends (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on legislative consent motion confirmed on confirmation day (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Petition on legislative consent motion consideration clock ends (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Question put on fatal amendment to legislative consent motion (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Question put on legislative consent motion (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Question put on nonfatal amendment to legislative consent motion (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Referred to the Committee for Health (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Valid petition of concern on a fatal amendment to legislative consent motion presented (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Valid petition of concern on a nonfatal amendment to legislative consent motion presented (Northern Ireland Assembly)
- Valid petition of concern on legislative consent motion presented (Northern Ireland Assembly)