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Made affirmative remedial order Decision

A remedial order is an order made by a minister under the Human Rights Act 1998 to amend legislation which has been found incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. Remedial orders can be used to amend both primary and secondary legislation, and they may do anything necessary to fix the incompatibility with the Convention rights. Urgent orders may be made without advance scrutiny, but they will stop being law if they are not approved by both Houses within 120 days of being laid before Parliament.

Follows the calculation style Bicameral instruments (clock stops if either House rises).

There are 52 steps.

  1. AA Decision
  2. AB Decision
  3. AC Decision
  4. AD Decision
  5. AE Decision
  6. AF Decision
  7. AG Decision
  8. AH Decision
  9. AI Decision
  10. AJ Decision
  11. AK Decision
  12. AL Decision
  13. AM Decision
  14. AN Decision
  15. AP Decision
  16. AQ Decision
  17. AR Decision
  18. AS Decision
  19. AT Decision
  20. AU Decision
  21. AV Decision
  22. AW Decision
  23. AX Decision
  24. AY Decision
  25. AZ Decision
  26. BA Decision
  27. BB Decision
  28. BC Decision
  29. BD Decision
  30. BE Decision
  31. BF Decision
  32. BG Decision
  33. BH Decision
  34. BI Decision
  35. BJ Decision
  36. BK Decision
  37. BL Decision
  38. BM Decision
  39. BN Decision
  40. BO Decision
  41. BP Decision
  42. BQ Decision
  43. BR Decision
  44. BS Decision
  45. BT Decision
  46. BU Decision
  47. BV Decision
  48. BW Decision
  49. EVEL CERT AA Decision
  50. EVEL CERT AB Decision
  51. EVEL CERT AC Decision
  52. EVEL CERT AD Decision

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