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Legislative reform order: Draft negative Business step

There are 28 steps.

  1. Chamber debate (House of Lords)
  2. Decision on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law deferred (House of Commons)
  3. Decision on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument deferred (House of Commons)
  4. Instrument has been determined to follow the negative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords)
  5. Instrument withdrawn from the House of Commons (House of Commons)
  6. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law approved (House of Commons)
  7. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law approved (House of Lords)
  8. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)
  9. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law not called (House of Commons)
  10. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law not moved (House of Commons)
  11. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law rejected (House of Commons)
  12. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law rejected (House of Lords)
  13. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law tabled (House of Commons)
  14. Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law withdrawn (House of Commons)
  15. Motion to refer to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) (House of Commons)
  16. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Commons)
  17. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Lords)
  18. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)
  19. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not called (House of Commons)
  20. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not moved (House of Commons)
  21. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Commons)
  22. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Lords)
  23. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Commons)
  24. Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument withdrawn (House of Commons)
  25. Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law put (House of Commons)
  26. Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument becoming law put (House of Lords)
  27. Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Commons)
  28. Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Lords)

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