Scrutiny Reserve - Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) Business step
There are 14 steps.
- Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)
- Debate on motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enabled motion to approve to be moved (House of Lords)
- Instrument lapsed
- Instrument rejected (House of Commons)
- Instrument revoked by another instrument
- Instrument withdrawn from the House of Lords (House of Lords)
- Motion tabled that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved agreed to (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved disagreed to (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved lapsed at end of session (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved not called (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved not moved (House of Lords)
- Motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved withdrawn (House of Lords)
- Question on motion that Standing Order 73 be dispensed with to enable motion to approve to be moved put (House of Lords)