Queen's consent Routes
There are 18 routes.
A Route from QA AC EQUALS to PL AB Summation
A Route from QC AA Decision to Queen’s consent decision
A Route from QC AA EQUALS to QC AB NOT
A Route from QC AA SUM to QC AB EQUALS
A Route from QC AA Summation to QC AB Decision
A Route from QC AA Summation to QC AC Decision
A Route from QC AB Decision to Queen’s consent signified
A Route from QC AB EQUALS to QC AC NOT
A Route from QC AB NOT to QC AA Decision
A Route from QC AC Decision to Queen’s consent declined
A Route from QC AC NOT to QC AA Summation
A Route from Queen’s consent decision to QC AA EQUALS
A Route from Queen’s consent decision to QC AB EQUALS
A Route from Queen’s consent declined to QC AA SUM
A Route from Queen’s consent required to QA AC EQUALS
A Route from Queen’s consent required to QC AA EQUALS
A Route from Queen’s consent signified to QA AC EQUALS
A Route from Queen’s consent signified to QC AA SUM