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Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn Routes

House of Lords

A step of type Business step.

The House of Lords provides for debates to take note of a particular issue, without coming to a decision. The motion for the debate can be on any subject, but the phrasing of the motion itself must be neutral in terms.

There are 10 routes.

  1. A Route from BY Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) as part of the Draft affirmative procedure

    Start date: 24 January 2022

    End date: 31 January 2022

  2. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to AI EQUALS as part of the Draft affirmative procedure

  3. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AN SUM as part of the Draft negative procedure

  4. A Route from NLM AU Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) as part of the Draft negative procedure

  5. A Route from BL Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure

  6. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to AW SUM as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure

  7. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AN SUM as part of the Made negative procedure

  8. A Route from NLM AU Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) as part of the Made negative procedure

  9. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AN SUM as part of the Negative Lords motions procedure

  10. A Route from NLM AU Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) as part of the Negative Lords motions procedure

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