Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019 Work package
A work package focussed on the Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019, made available on 12 June 2019, subject to the Draft affirmative procedure.
There are 18 business items actualising 24 steps.
Business items which have happened - Business items which do not have a date
Business items which have happened
12 June 2019
Instrument created
Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords)
Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons)
Motion to approve the instrument tabled by the Government (House of Commons)
Considered for English votes for English laws (EVEL) certification (House of Commons)
Not certified under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons)
18 June 2019
19 June 2019
Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)
Instrument not drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)
Motion to approve the instrument tabled by the Government (House of Lords)
20 June 2019
24 June 2019
26 June 2019
Chamber debate (House of Lords)
Question on a non-fatal motion to object to the instrument put (House of Lords)
Non-fatal motion to object to the instrument approved (House of Lords)
Question on motion to approve the instrument put (House of Lords)
Instrument approved (House of Lords)
Instrument can be made (signed into law)
Procedure concluded in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (House of Commons and House of Lords)
Instrument made (signed into law)