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A step of type SUM.

There are 6 routes.

  1. A Route from Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee agrees the instrument should follow the affirmative procedure (House of Commons) to LROCPD AG SUM as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure

  2. A Route from LROCPD AG SUM to LROCPD AF SUM as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure

  3. A Route from LROCPD AH SUM to LROCPD AG SUM as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure

  4. A Route from Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee agrees the instrument should follow the affirmative procedure (House of Commons) to LROCPD AG SUM as part of the Legislative reform order: Commons procedure determination procedure

  5. A Route from LROCPD AG SUM to LROCPD AF SUM as part of the Legislative reform order: Commons procedure determination procedure

  6. A Route from LROCPD AH SUM to LROCPD AG SUM as part of the Legislative reform order: Commons procedure determination procedure

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