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Chamber debate

House of Lords

A step of type Business step.

Debates in the House of Lords Chamber take place for affirmative instruments on a motion that "the instrument be approved". Debates in the Chamber can also take place for negative instruments, there are three possible motions for such instruments - that "an Humble Address" be presented to Her Majesty praying that the instrument be annulled; motions inviting the House to call on the government to take action or record a particular point of view, without annulling the instrument itself; or a neutral "take note" motion.

Librarian notes

Scope note: Actualise this step when it is scheduled on the Parliamentary Calendar or Future Business so it appears in 'Scheduled upcoming stages' on the workpackage page. The link will need to be updated once the debate has taken place. If it's rescheduled, change the date.

Link note: Lords Hansard debate URL

Date note: Date of debate

Publication name: Lords Hansard

Publication URL:

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