Statement by the Chair that there can be no further debate on the instrument
A step of type Business step.
In the House of Commons a debate is only expected to occur once on a statutory instrument. The debate in a Delegated Legislation Committee takes place on a motion that “the Committee has considered” the statutory instrument. At the end of the debate, the Committee has to decide whether it agrees with the motion that it has considered the statutory instrument. On 30/01/2023, an instrument did not have its motion to consider formally moved. Instead, it was held over until 06/02/2023. As the instrument had already been debated the Chair of the DLC made a brief statement to say there would be no further debate on the instrument and the question would be immediately put.
Librarian notes
Scope note: This step was added in response to a procedural exception that occurred in a delegated legislation committee on 06/02/2023. It has been added to the made affirmative map as a time-bound route as it's not a step we're expecting to occur again.
Link note: Contribution Hansard url
Date note: Date of DLC